What is GBENN?

The Green Business Engagement National Network (GBENN) is a consortium of unique local, state-wide and national green business programs from across the United States.

As a new and growing sector within the broader sustainability movement, great benefit can be realized when organizations and programs work together, support each other, and regularly convene. The networking, information sharing, and organizational strategizing that can be fostered through a coordinated effort can help strengthen the programs of all involved and support the development of new programs.

Our Mission

To facilitate sharing and relationship-building among green and/or sustainable business engagement programs across the U.S. in order to advance the national interests of such locally-focused approaches and spread effective practices.

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In 2013, A Better City in Boston, MA organized the first National Summit on Green Business Engagement Programs in Boston. The summit brought together leaders from green business programs across the United States, and led to the creation of GBENN as an organization. Since then, we’ve hosted summits in St. Louis, MO (2016), Chicago, IL (2018), Longmont (2021) and a virtual Summit. Learn more about the GBENN Summit by visiting our GBENN Summit page.

View GBENN Summit


First developed by the California Green Business Network in 2009, substantially upgraded, and augmented in 2017, GreenBizTracker is a web-based software program that allows programs around the nation to track progress and collect metrics. It provides an easy to use framework to help businesses adopt sustainable practices and provides a way to report energy, water, waste diversion and other resource savings. GreenBizTracker is supported by the member partners of the California Green Business Network, the Federal EPA National Environmental Information Exchange Network, Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment, and Washington Envirostars.

GBENN is proud to host the national database in collaboration with these partners, and encourages green business programs nationwide to explore opportunities to kickstart and grow their programs through the use of GreenBizTracker. Click here to learn more about the program and to find businesses who are going green across the nation.